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Showing posts from March, 2020

AC coil cleaning in Dubai Benefits

The proper maintenance of air conditioners is greatly overlooked. We just install them in-home or commercial property, enjoy their benefits, yet completely forget about their maintenance. Like every unit, the air conditioner requires some care and effort to function properly. The air conditioner’s coils are sensitive and prone to damage. If not cleaned adequately, your home can become quite uncomfortable. It’s needless to mention the energy bills will increase significantly at the same time. Before you focus on the benefits of AC coil cleaning in Dubai it’s useful to mention that the air conditioner has two sets of coils: condenser coils and evaporator coils. The condenser coils are located in the outdoor portion of the air conditioner and are in charge of transferring heat from the refrigerant to the air outside. On the other hand, the evaporator coils are found in the indoor portion of the air conditioner and their job is to absorb heat from the air in your home and to transfer it ...